Friday, May 16, 2008

Arora: The first usable QtWebKit-based Browser

Arora is the name of the first QtWebKit-based browser-project that aims to become usable as a day-to-day browser for the masses. It's a spin-off of the QtWebKit demo-browser which is included in Qt and currently doesn't feature much more stuff than the demo does. It's code is managed in a git-repository at and it's therefore very easy to hack on it. I have already created a git-branch and committed a small bug-fix and other changes myself, too.

This project is just a few days old and can already be used without bigger flaws. It will definitely catch on to Firefox (for basic features) soon. This is very exciting, imho, and I can't wait to see what cool things will happen to Arora in the future.

Here's a screenshot of the version that I compiled myself using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition:

Arora Browser Screenshot

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